Well, Lady Bulldog fans......the time has come!! The Lady Bulldogs are in the main gym watching the tall Stratford Lady Spartans warming up, but they seem to have a certain amount of confidence about them tonight. After all, it's not every night when you can take on the number 3 ranked 5A team in the state and not feel intimidated or in awe - while less than 50 feet away from you....the 'volleyball machine' on the other side of the net is pounding these warmup kills by you. Nope, the Lady Bulldogs were on a mission...........though they may still be a little ornery after last night's meltdown. Well, here's a way to forget about everything else and just focus on just what's in front of you..........Ding!

Magnolia continues to get great results with these 3 team mates: OH
Alicia Shaffer (l), MB Hannah Fort (MB) and OHR Kelli Stewart (right).
This match is going to be a barn burner with the last one standing will be the winner. The Lady Bulldogs have opened a big ol' can of Whompum and are ready to rattle their bones. Set 1 with this audio file with the score: Magnolia 8 and 11 for the Lady Spartans.
Press > for audio: