Friday, October 20, 2006


" want them on 'The Line', ..."you need them on 'The Line'...
Lady Bulldogs Kristyn Bergen, Hannah Fort and Kelli Stewart that is!

It wasn't pretty, and it doesn't have to be...but again, Magnolia recouped their momentum and turned away the Lady Panthers to close out the 2nd set at 25-21. Magnolia had a 6 point spread near the end of the set and the Lady Panthers crept up on the sluggish, error-prone Lady Bulldogs who were getting 'semi-comatose' and falling asleep and tried to pull the upset.
The DAWGS were down 1-3 before MB Michele Williams ignited the ladies with a blocking explosion against Lady Panther MB Stacy Foster closing the gap at 2-3; and then a kill at 4-3 put the Lady Bulldogs in the "captain's chair" from then on! The DAWGS maintained a cushion between the 2 teams with a great combination of scoring from Kristyn Bergen's shot at 6-3; Michele Williams' kills at 7-4 and 9-5; a Kelli Stewart dink; a Caitlin Holland ace serve; and a couple of Alicia Shaffer kills: one at 10-6 and the other (which is my favorite) at 13-9: a great blast in the middle of the court where the hitter "sneaks up" (behind the Middle Blocker/Hitter) and blows the ball by the shocked defenders who were faked out and coming down from their failed block, I love this game! This audio file picks up at 18-12:

Press > for audio: